14 February 2010

Sunday 14th Feb

In a few different ways we've had a difficult week this week. Not least because I have been busy growing a stomach ulcer! I have some meds form the doctor but they are giving me a headache. Despite that I have been blessed in my preparation over the last week. I had some extra clarity this week as I prepare which was very helpful as everything was taking longer.
Our Canadian sister came with her husband this week. It was great that he came and stayed and listened and took in everything that was going on. With being ill I had asked our Oak Hill Student and Laurence our other elder to help lead the service - which was a great. They did an excellent job as always. Several people were very positive about the message, which is always an encouragement for a preacher. We're hoping to start a church membership class with three people this coming week. And there is a possibility of a baptism at Easter. Please pray for the young man who has asked about this.
The message this week was from Mark 12v35-44. Jesus first asks how can the Christ be the son of David when in psalm 110 he calls the Christ "my Lord"? His point of course is that his origin is from before David. That he is the son of God - as Mark attests at both the start and towards the end of his gospel. Meanwhile the scribes are wandering around as false lords. Though they are experts in what the law says, rather than loving God and loving others, they use the law to "devour widows houses". We need both to watch out for people like that and to make sure we don't do the same. It is after all very easy to give pious excuses for selfish behaviour. Finally Jesus sits down opposite the offering jars in the temples and calls attention to the widow who puts two small coins in. She, says Jesus, put in more than everyone else because she put in everything - all she had to live on. And that is how we need to follow Jesus. The woman was not looking at herself - she didn't put the money in to gain a reputation for generosity. She wasn't even looking at the bare face of the law, which says 10%. The she would at most have given one coin. No - she saw the Lord her God and wanted to give him everything she had. So we need to rid our vision of false lords, including ourselves and fix our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. To see how he loved us, giving everything he had on the cross. To see him raised to the right hand of the Father, and to look at him. Then as we look to him and seek him and see him, decide how we will live, how much we will give.
God bless you wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

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