7 February 2010

Welcome to February

Various plans and purposes are slowly coming together for this year. Our first ever "official" homegroup started last week. The plan is to grow this first group until it is too big to fit, then split and grow and split and grow, etc. God willing. We also are planning a Christianity Explored group on Sunday afternoons. There is a group of people I really want to come along, perhaps 4 or 5, and we're going to try and see if there is anyone else out there who might want to come along.
We've been able to welcome some more new people to the church over the last few weeks. A Philippino lady and her English husband have been coming regularly now. She seems to be a Christian, but her husband isn't. He has been coming to church though, and seems interested at least for her sake. Then a Christian lady from Canada has been coming too. Had a decent conversation with her husband today. She tells me he is an atheist and a mathematician. They both looked interested in the upcoming "God Confusion" conference at the excel. We had a visit from a lady from Azerbaijan today as well. She seemed very pleased to see us, and enthusiastic about coming back. Also our placement student from London Theological Seminary came for his first Sunday today, and our Oak Hill student was back after exams. On the downside a family who have been very regular haven't been for a few weeks now. We're concerned for them. Please keep praying.

1 comment:

Cam and Leah said...

Praying for you guys! Our little church plant here is about to go through a period of change in the next few months.God is Faithful!