23 March 2010

New Members

We continue to be blessed at home and at church. This hasn't been an easy start to the year for me, but the Lord has been very gracious. Last week at our church members meeting we were able to say that there are five people wanting to join the membership of the church. It has been a real encouragement to us that these few and others have found a spiritual home with us, especially their very positive comments about the church fellowship. Recently someone said to us how they had been really struggling with wanting to go to church at all, but since coming to us didn't want to miss a Sunday now! It is very humbling and exceedingly encouraging when people say these kind of things to us.

Personally things have been quite hard recently. First with a stomach ulcer and then pulled muscles in my back and side from a bad golf swing! The ulcer seems to have cleared up and the muscles are slowly healing, but it is taking a long time, and isn't helped by straining them again when I am not thinking! Still the Lord has blessed me with extra time to sit and read! Been enjoying "Keep in Step With the Spirit" by Jim Packer.

The kids seem to be doing ok. Getting bigger learning new things. Joshua has enjoyed a street dance club at school, Reuben is starting to read and write more and more. Rebekah is slowly using more words and signs. They all enjoy music and dancing around! Rebekah has a number of teeth coming though and Joshua is growing adult ones! Meanwhile Rebekah is slowly starting to sleep a little better. But our sleep is still quite disturbed.

Thanks for all your prayers.

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