5 November 2006

One down ...

We have now been here for one whole year. Only the Lord knows how many more we will be here for, but it is good to know that he does. Meanwhile the church has been here for 180 years! Not even Connie (who's 95) has been around for quite that long!
We had an enjoyable "anniversary" service. Dick Lucas came to preach for us again. It was a joy to have have him visit and stay for lunch. (A very good lunch it was too.) Then Kester Putman, from Highbury, spoke in the evening. It was good to have both Dick and Highbury involved. The Lord has blessed us in a number of ways over the last year. It has been very encouraging to see people moving on in their faith and responding to God's word. I think we have in place now the structures that we need to be able to push further forward. Certainly this year i want to be thinking creatively and "aggresively" as to how we can better make the gospel available and understandable to the local community.
The boys are doing well. Reuben has a chesty cough at the moment, which is particularly difficult at night and when eating. Joshua havnig a groany phase but otherwise is well. Helen, as ever, is tired, but encouraged at the moment. She really enjoyed the London Women's Convention last month.
I'm sure there's lots more to write, but I won't for the moment. Check out the church's website. It needs a little more spicing up but it is now up and running. Horrah! (And thanks to Andrew!) God bless you all,
Chris H

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