15 November 2006

Half Term Holiday

Chris had a week off during the half term which meant being able to go out and lots of fun things with boys. In fact we spent very little time at home at all and were quite exhausted by the end of it. The boys had a trip to the zoo while mummy had some girlie chill out time raiding charity shops and having a coffee.
We got to see friends that we haven't seen for a while and the boys bedroom got an underwater themed make over.
We also got to see nieces and had a trip out to the bowling ally which was great fun once we managed to convince the car that it was locked and didn't have to set of it's alarm!
Reuben is starting to become quite a chatterbox as he continually wants to try out his new vocabulary on us while Joshua is slowly starting to be able to concentrate a bit longer on activities - which will help as he starts school in January.
Chris has been ill on and off for the last 3 weeks, and what with the darker evenings and the hour change has been feeling quite drained and tired.

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