22 November 2006

A long time ago, in a land far away .....

A long time ago - well 7 years ago, I went to a land far away - Latvia. It was at the end of my year working with UCCF. Myself and some students from the LSE went on a mission trip to Riga, the capital of Latvia to help kick start the Latvian version of UCCF. It was a very eventful trip, ask me about it some time. But I am telling you now because on that trip was Andre Mediros!
Who's Andre Mediros you might ask... ?

The link for this post is our church website. It went live a couple of weeks ago, even though it needs a few finishing touches. Our first feed back came last week asking a few details about the church as this couple, who had just arrived back from the USA wanted to visit!

What do these two stories have in common. The name at the bottom of the email from our website was... Andre Mediros. There can't be too many people with that name, thought I. And indeed I may well have been right. It was, totally by coincidence (if you believ in that kind of thing,) the very same Andre Mediros that had travelled to Latvia. It was a real joy to see him again and meet his wife Christine (brought up in Malaysia - Helen's mum's home).

Pray that the Lord would send us more workers and that people like Andre and Christine would feel the Lord's hand encouraging them to stay and join our slowly growing work. (And have a quick look at the website!)

God bless,
Chris H

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