3 July 2007

Sorry for the LONG silence

Wow, it really has been a long time since we updated this! Well what can I say... what has changed and been happening in our lives for the last4 or 5 months?
Well, I have started working a little bit, just looking after a neighbours children 3 afternoons a week although we are both fairly flexible dending on what's happening in our lives. They are the same age as our 2 and they all seem to get on fairly well most of the time which is a bonus.
Due to earning that bit of money I have siezed the opportunity to start driving lessons (aahhhhggg, watch out London!) I have so far had 5 lessons (2hrs each) and have been quite pleased with my progress. So watch this space...
My sister Ruth has had her 3rd baby boy and he is called Jadon. So that makes me an aunty for the 10th time now. Christmas is going to be a busy time!!!
Josh has settled well into school and has a good group of friends. His birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I am desperately trying to plan something for it. He has had his school pic done which I will try and put on the blog ASAP.
Chris and I have joined facebook.com and managed to catch up with a few old friends which is always a nice thing to do - I recommend it!
The last couple of weeks we have been ill. Reuben had quite a bad cold and was complaining of his ear hurting, I then got the flu and was in bed for a few days, then just as I was recovering Chris got! the following day I had to pick josh up from school at lunch time because he had been sick. I'm kinda hoping now that we've all been ill that will be it for a while now.
Anyway, I've probably rambled on too long now so will stop and try to write again soon.

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