26 February 2007

Saved 2 Serve and Golf!

This Saturday was the Saved 2 Serve event at church. I have been part of the organising committee since the start two years ago. This is now our third conference. It is aimed at inspiring young Christians and giving them a chance to see the different ways they can serve the Lord. We want to be strong on the understanding of Christian motivation - because of the love God has poured onto us so we serve him because we love him back. It is too easy to get religous; try and earn his love, or think we are paying him back for his love - neither of which are possible. So it was great to have my friend Marcus Honeysett give us a bright glimpse of the extent of his love at the start. All in all it was a very encouraging day.

Meanwhile on the golf course! (Well some of time on the course, some of the time just along the edge!) One of the guys I was playing with said as we looked at the 17th fairway. Such a nice wide fairway. Shame it is so difficult to hit! Which I then proved by hitting my tee shot into a ditch! Still got round in 100 for the first time today and even hit my first ever real life birdie! I must be getting better - though my tee shots wouldn't suggest so. Hope you are all well. God bless,
Chris H

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