8 September 2006

And so we move ahead

It was a blessing to have two sets of visiting Americans with us last Sunday. There was a gentleman on his own who certainly seem to appreciate the ministry. He (and his wife when she arrives) will be in the country for 2 years. There was also a family, Mark (I think), Deborah, Jordan, Madison and Jessica (I think)! I try hard at names but they rarely stick well. They will be here for a year. It would be wonderful if they did stay with us, but they may seek a church with more children for the sake of friends for their children. They will be home schooling them.

This week I went up to London Theological Seminary for their student placement meeting. A gentleman called Claudio Amaral has been placed with us. We are lookng forward to meeting him and his getting involved in the work here as a part of his training. I also went to Oak Hill Theological College for their student placement meeting. It is possible a couple of friends of ours who are just starting will come down to us, but it is a bit of a treck without a car. Still it was good to go and meet some new faces.

Our harvest service will be a week on Sunday so I am desperately trying to get everything sorted out for that. Still have lots to do. Please keep praying for us and don't hesitate to get in touch. God bless,

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