27 September 2006

Amazing Grace

I just feel quite over whelmed by a sense of God's grace and love at the moment. Partly I'm tired and emotional anyway. But the Lord has blessed me with a real overwhelming sense of his love and his care. I've been reading through Galatians this week and chapter 2 verse 20 really hit me between the eyes again: "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
I look at my heart and see the reality of the thoughts and desire that come out of it. I know I am good at keeping the bad ones at bay most of the time - but God sees my heart and I know I cannot stand before him. Except for the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. To know that I am that loved, that valued, that precious is wonderful. To know that it is not earnt, but simply received by faith is far more wonderful.

We had 8-10 children on Sunday again, which is a great blessing. That brings attendant mothers with them! But in a gathering of 30 or so, we only had four men, and one of those is back to Australia now! If you could pray for more men, that would be appreciated! Pray that the husbands of the ladies who come, would come too, and that whole families would love to join together in celebrating the of God in Jesus with us.

Reuben is growing six teeth at the moment. For the first time in a long time he slept through the night last night. Hurrah! Helen and Josh are well. Helen has been a little under the weather over the last week, but she seems better again today. Our Aussie lodger, Erin, is 24 on Monday, so we are trying to think up something for her birthday. That reminds me I've missed a couple of birthdays this week. I had better go and sort them out.
Get in touch. We want to hear from you.
God bless,

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