9 April 2013

A bit late for 2013!

Not managed to post since November, so lots to catch up on. I'll keep it brief I think!


We had a good time at Christmas, popping in on Beth and Mark and the girls, my mum and dad were there too. Then we went on up to Welshpool to Ruth and Tom and family. Really encouraged to see how they are getting on in their new church.
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A quick game of Settler of Cattan at Granny and Grandpa's house
Over Easter we've been with my parents in Dorset. It is good to go back to there and spend time out of London relaxing. I do enjoy London immensely but the beauty and rest of Dorset is always welcome.

The kids are all doing very well at school. Josh is about to take his year 6 SATS. The school are looking to put him in for level 6 maths which is quite an achievement. Reuben continues to do very well in a class with a large number of children with really difficult issues (even for our school). He also continues to be football mad! Rebekah meanwhile has settled extremely well in reception and remains far too cute for her own good!
Helen is now working at school as a Lunchtime Assistant (dinner lady!) which is going well. It can be very hard work, especially when others are off sick, but I have a feeling she is fast becoming a favourite in the playground!
I think we are slowly getting a little more sleep, which is good. The kids do still get up a bit at night, especially Bekah, but they are all sleeping well more often (as am I).

While we were down in Dorset I took the chance to visit a couple of churches I haven't been to before. Sunday morning we went to Grace Baptist Church, Dorchester. They are a very small church and wondering what the future holds for them as their minister is now 85 and retiring (again)! It is a tent making or missionary situation really. We had very warm welcome and were delighted to spend time with them.
In the evening I went to Chardsmeade Baptist Church in Bridport. This church is larger though still struggling in some ways. As with so many churches they have been without a pastor for sometime and recently declined in size. Again the welcome was very warm.

We have had a really good time at church over the last few months. Our Christmas carols by candlelight went really well, and Connected (our evening evangelistic discussion night) has been quite a revelation! (More to come on this on my other blog adebtor.blogspot.com). Here's a link to our opera singers warming up for the carols! Meanwhile our Connected series "God on trial" dealing with six of the more common objections to Christianity had between 5 and 35 atheists/humanists joining us! We certainly had some robust discussions and it was a great delight to see some movement in a few of those who came most regularly.
Sadly we have had to say goodbye to Yoko. She has blessed us with her cello and piano and in so many other ways as well. She and her husband have moved back to Japan now. Meanwhile the Lord has brought other people along. The highlight this year so far has been a couple of people becoming Christians. A student from China who has been with us for a few months and a work colleague of one of our members. We are concerned for the Chinese girl. Her father was not happy that she wants to be baptised and then apparently became ill. Since she went back to China to see him (in Feb) we haven't heard from her.

If you are of a praying mind, please do pray for all the things mentioned above. God is very merciful and loves to answer our prayers as we offer them through Jesus. If you're not, you really ought to start! God is very merciful and loves to answer our prayers as we offer them through Jesus.

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