4 January 2010

Welcome to 2010!!!

This is just a short one to update on some news. Blogging from my phone which isn't the easiest. We had really good Christmas. My parents came up Christmas Eve, and we had Kate and Hyasmine for Christmas dinner too. Wondefully Kate heard on Christmas Eve that she was being granted leave to remain in this country, so we were very joyful and still are. Boxing Day we went up to my sister and her family in Buckinghamshire. All the kids had a great time together which is a really big blessing. The adults did alright too!

Christmas Day service was very sparce, but we had four visitors from Holland as well as a mum and daughter that we hadn't seen for a while. Small and jolly :) and certainly worthwhile. Sunday 27th was also small, but again we had a 2 new faces. Jan's daughter Shelly is over from Aus so it was great to welcome her. Then a lady called Amy. She brought her husband Kevin this week. She seems to be following the Lord, though he isn't. Both seemed interested in doing some Bible study during the week, which was very encouraging.

The boys are back to school tomorrow - so I need to get to bed. Our text on Sunday was this:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your way acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. (Pardon all the spelling mistakes in this post. Blame it on the tiny keyboard.)

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