2 June 2008

Our Little Glow Worm

Sadly little Rebekah has not been able to come home just yet. She has a bit of jaundice (yellowness) which needs to be treated with light therapy. To begin with they place two small light blankets next to her skin, (under her clothes). The effect, as you can see in the pictures is to turn her into a little "glow worm"! (I think we have a nick-name already!)

Glow Worm a

Glow Worm b

Glow Worm c

Glow Worm d


Esther said...

aww great to see some pics of my first little neice, what a sweet and appropriate nick name! sending lots of cyber love and kisses xXx

mary said...

arghh shes beautiful, enjoy the rest haelen , congrats to both of you i want one