26 February 2007

Saved 2 Serve and Golf!

This Saturday was the Saved 2 Serve event at church. I have been part of the organising committee since the start two years ago. This is now our third conference. It is aimed at inspiring young Christians and giving them a chance to see the different ways they can serve the Lord. We want to be strong on the understanding of Christian motivation - because of the love God has poured onto us so we serve him because we love him back. It is too easy to get religous; try and earn his love, or think we are paying him back for his love - neither of which are possible. So it was great to have my friend Marcus Honeysett give us a bright glimpse of the extent of his love at the start. All in all it was a very encouraging day.

Meanwhile on the golf course! (Well some of time on the course, some of the time just along the edge!) One of the guys I was playing with said as we looked at the 17th fairway. Such a nice wide fairway. Shame it is so difficult to hit! Which I then proved by hitting my tee shot into a ditch! Still got round in 100 for the first time today and even hit my first ever real life birdie! I must be getting better - though my tee shots wouldn't suggest so. Hope you are all well. God bless,
Chris H

4 February 2007

A bunch of news!

Our biggest news is the immanent departure of Chris's sister Jenny and her family to Peru. They are leaving a week today for 3 years initially. It is very exciting, but sad as well, to think that we aren't that likely to see them "in the flesh" for a long time now. We will see them briefly tomorrow, but not again until they come back, or we go out to see them!!!

Joshua is much more settled at school now. Tofic and Amon seem to be his most common playmates. Meanwhile he is starting to learn to read, which is very exciting. He's developed a temperature today though, so he may miss a day of school tomorrow.

Reuben hasn't been sleeping so well again. He goes through patches of sleeping well then not. Although the last sleeping well patch didn't last very long! Helen is understandably tired.

This week see's a lot of preparation before me. We are starting the Bible Class on Exodus this week, plus I am preaching once Saturday and twice Sunday!!! At least I have a bit of a head start on the Sunday PM sermon.

Our love and prayers to you all, and please do get in touch if you can and let us know how you are.