25 January 2007

School and snow

Josh has started big school. It was hard to start with but is getting better daily. The first few days were very hard for us all. Josh has gone from a nursery of up to 10 children to a class of 30 in a year of 60 in a school of 400! And he doesn't know anyone. We were told that Helen would be able to stay with Josh for the first hour or two, but she wasn't. We had told Josh that she would, so obviously that was very upsetting for everyone. Dealing with the reality of break time for the first two days was har as well. It is very difficult to do anything when the dominant picture in your mind is your son standing in the school playground feeling sad and alone while everyone else is happily playing.
Still it doesn't last too long. Josh has fairly quickly been making friends and getting to know more names. He's done his first wee at school (hurrah!) and comes home with stories about what he's been up to.

Meanwhile yesterday morning he had snow to walk to school in. He and Reuben were both very excited. The pictures are of our house and our road. Hope you are well. Do get in touch and let us know how you are. God bless,

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