2 March 2016

An update for 2016

Life continues at pace here in London. (Probably does everywhere to be honest!) We are at a stage with the children where they seem to be growing up very fast, in Joshua's case literally! He is taller than Helen now! He has also just made his GCSE choices which begin in earnest after Easter. [English (language and literature), Maths, Further Maths, Triple Science, History, Computer Science, Art and Spanish if you are interested.] Meanwhile we have just had confirmation that Reuben will be joining Josh at Paddington Academy in September which is good news all round. He is very much looking forward to it. Rebekah continues to do well. She will soon be our only child left at Paddington Green School which seems very odd! The school has a new tie-up with Paddington Bear Ltd., so now has Paddington Bear as the school logo. The kids are very excited about this! We happened to pass Michael Bond (the author) in the street the other day (he is very old now) and he seemed quite excited to see the children in their new uniforms! (He lives round the corner from the school.)

Helen is very much enjoying the Cornhill Training Course. It's hard work, but a great privilege to be able to spend this time studying the Scriptures. I am very much enjoying her working with church. It means we get to spend more time together than we have for quite a while! I am still chair of governors in my "spare time". It remains quite a challenge in the school's particular circumstances.

Church has been encouraging recently. Jesus always is, church, it depends!!! It has been great to welcome a number of new faces again recently. People have arrived with a variety of skills and gifts which are a great blessing, and we are have seen a number of areas of church life start to move forward with new energy.

I have an exciting trip ahead of me in May. I have been invited to go to Zambia and teach in a new Bible College there. It will be my first big trip overseas on my own, so I am a little nervous, but mainly excited!

Please pray for us. Pray for wisdom with the children, that the Lord would keep our eyes on him in the midst of all the distractions of London and please give thanks for the Lord's continued faithfulness.

Thanks for reading!